Supervision SERVER for the management of integrated services in the security business. It has a system controller for 2 Hard-Disk in RAID-1 configuration, the two redundant power supplies with Hot-Swap technology and Linux operating system. The unit comes in industrial case, with Intel Core i3 CPU, DDR3 RAM 2GB, No. 2 Hard-Disks 1Tbyte capacity or better, 2 redundant power supplies, DVD burner, VGA compatible video card with DVI port, network card 10/100/1.000Mbps, Linux operating system. This configuration allows an automatic data mirroring on two hard drives, a monitoring of the Hard-Disks and a continuous temperature control.

The NET-SERVER comes with the following enables:

  • Software for the management of the archives, remote alarm services (telephone, IP, radio, GSM and GPRS) and the management of the Log events.
  • It enables the transmission, either manually or automatically, SMS and sending E-mail.
  • It will detect, after a suitable placement of vector maps, the geographic location of any user in archive (requires adequate mapping Mod. CVT-ITC).
  • Configuring SICEP devices from Central via integrated MVC software on the system.
  • MvsNET license for Enabling Client workstations. It allows you to connect to the server n. 1 operator position in relation to the number of choices connections. The NET-CLIENT licenses are centralized; the control engine is always the server that enables the various PCs connected to available licenses. This architecture allows simple replacement of the PC Client and the temporary use of another computer in the event of failure.



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